Hanna Shibata

After exploring design language in wood polish products, I started looking into leather polish products. Most products use jars, although the contents are usually cream with a thick texture and cumbersome to handle. Mercury is an attempt to bring a new aesthetic to squeezable tube packaging design with our new effects, Faceted and Kernel, which bring motion and depth to surfaces where lenticular can’t go.

Adding two different Fathom Effects

Looking over our gallery, I noticed that there were not many projects using more than one effect. Since one Fathom Effect alone can draw attention, using multiple effects can make the design distracting. I think this is an excellent opportunity to find a good balance between classy and flashy.

As usual, I used the Fathom Effects plug-in for Adobe Illustrator (beta) to select and preview different effects right in my design file. Short walkthrough:

Then within Illustrator, using the plug-in’s functionality I uploaded the design file to Fathom Designer, our preproduction portal. Here’s a 3D preview generated by Fathom Designer. In supported browsers, you can see the design applied to a container, rotate it, and share it with stakeholders. If you already have a free Fathom Designer account, you can copy this project to edit yourself. Contact me if you have any questions about this design, or adding Fathom Effects to your own design.
